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Your Price: $ 79.00
Item Number: flow40410 |
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Circa: 1900 Manufacturer: French China Co.
Antique French China Co. flow blue platter. c.1900-1916. Large antique semi-porcelain platter made by the French China Company, Sebring Ohio. It has a blue fleur-de-lis symbol on the backside, and this mark is shown on pg. 38 of Gaston's book on Flow Blue China, 1983 edition. It also has a #15 in gold on backside. It is 15 wide x 11.5 high. No chips or cracks, but does have crazing and age discoloration as expected. If you do not like the vintage look of this old platter, you can, according to the book on Decorative American Pottery by J. Wilby, 2004 edit., soak it out by using 90% hydrogen peroxide, (available from a pharmacist); soak in the peroxide for a few days, but do not ever use bleach! Personally, I do not mind the aged look, since that means you can actually use it instead of just displaying it! The 11/7/05 Auction Exchange paper had an article on Flow Blue; the French China Co. is listed as being one of a limited number of American potters that produced Flow Blue in America. |
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